Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A View in the Dark

Living in Honolulu can be a little hectic, and those of us who do live here almost forget that we're on this island in the middle of the ocean (KrAshT on a Rock)!  Going day to day through the city for school, shopping, whatever, we forget that this island is filled with an immense amount of treasures.  One of my favorites treasures, and frequently visited ones, is a view from the top of Round Top Drive (aka Tantalus Look-out).  Recently, Tantalus Look-out has been a bit "touristy" due to the loads of tourist cars and buses that take the drive up, but late at night is when the city really looks its best!  My family and I drove up there the other night, and the view never gets old.

There are two ways of getting up there; choice: Roosevelt High Shool, the "long way."  Going up the "long way" can be treacherous, though, especially at night, and a little spooky, so if you decide to go up this way, TAKE. YOUR. TIME.  Keep your headlights on low because there are a few cars that drive down the drive as well as up, and we want this trip to be safe as well as fun.  Following Round Top Drive can be fun, a favorite of street racers back in the day due to all the turns, limited vision...perfect for thrill-seekers (my hands sweat the whole ride up, just so you know)!  LoL!  The "short way" is not as exciting, but it's definitely a nice change after a long, almost never-ending, trip up around the mountain.  FYI: Before you head up, make sure you bring a jacket, it tends to get a little chilly and windy up there.  If you're going with friends, try to keep the noise to a minimum; it's hard to believe that people would live up there, but most of those houses are AMAZING real estate, so it is a residential area, and don't forget your camera!  Enjoy!!

Image: courtesy of Honolulu Advertiser