Friday, July 23, 2010

First Things First...

Wow, first official blog post. Well, here's the intro: The name's Krystle, or Ashley...depends on who you're talking to. Let's see...I'm 22, live in Kalihi, hoping to save up enough moneys to move out with the hubs. Speaking of moving out, saving money, etc., I think it's time I find a job. It's been almost a year since I've worked (Nordstrom let me go b/c of...well, I'm saying b/c of politics). Kalihi is right in the middle of everything, and Oahu's not that big; you're only 20 miles from the furthest reaches of this island. Economy is supposed to be on the mend, so maybe finding a job won't be too hard. So I guess this is my current mission: finding a job, which would lead me to the ultimate goal of saving up money to buy a place w/ my hubs. Nice wrap-up, huh? Wish me luck! keeping with the purpose of this blog, which is to expose the world to the Hawaii beyond the hula skirts, pupu shell necklaces, and coconut bras, I want to tell you lovely people about a place I'm thinking of applying for. There's this tiny little printing press shop right at the edge of North King Street by Love's Bakery. The shop is so small, and so, let's say, "antique-y," that if you drove by too fast, you wouldn't even see the tiny little wooden sign sitting right outside the front door reading "Kalihi Printing Press." I walked by there the other day and saw the workers at their cool!! We'll see, though...the shop is so cute!!

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